AHS next membership meeting is 

Monday April 14, @ 7 PM

We meet at the Kimball House - 3 Academy Ave  

All are welcome come and see what we are about 


Center School East Side Restoration  


About the Society

Formation of the Atkinson Historical Society

At a meeting held November 12, 1954, in the Atkinson Congragational Church, Reverend Roland D Sawyer spoke on the value to a town of a town historical society. There were 28 people present. Evidently Reverend Sawyer was persuasive, for those present voted unanimously to form the Atkinson Historical Society. 

Society Objective

-To collect, acquire, secure, preserve and display records and materials pertaining to Atkinson's history at the Kimball Museum in the Parson Peabody House.

-To restore, replace and preserve by any method necessary, on site or by moving, historical objects of any kind, such as monuments, buildings, gravestones, etc.

-To maintain guardianship over whatever presents itself under the term "Atkinson New Hampshire History".